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This essay is a philosophical study of Thomas Aquinas's theory on human happiness. Happiness is a general matter that is required by everybody worldwide. Happiness is the goal of human life and every human being desire for complete happiness. The urge for happiness is huge. We want to be happy. We expect those we live and interact with to be happy. Therefore, what is the nature of happiness?. According to Aquinas, happiness is happy is the people whose God is lord. Happiness is a complete good that satisfies appetite; if there is still something left to be desired, happiness will not be the ultimate end ( Theron, 1985). To study correctly on the true nature of happiness, one has to understand the relationship between goodness and happiness in the mind of all persons. All people wish to be happy and so hope for good. When one realizes his or her actual potential, then this constitutes happiness. According to Aquinas, no earthly material good can bring happiness. Happiness exists when one will be contented. 

Happiness is a critical matter which leads us to theoretical perspectives: we desire to understand about happiness and how to impress it. We wish to comprehend the aims of living happily. According to Aquinas, satisfaction is not part of our lifetime. We can only impress a kind of "imperfect happiness" on our universe, while the "perfect happiness" will be realized in heaven where one will perceive God "face to face". Aquinas comes up with a difference between "perfect happiness" which refers to 'beatitudo' and the "imperfect happiness, which he refers to 'felicitas'. 

Aquinas affirms that "human nature is not so completely corrupted by sin as to be lacking natural goodness". He says there is an impulse within us that desires for God and another impulse that drains us to earthly pleasures. 

Aquinas is specific in his view of finding true happiness in the knowledge of God. Earthly possessions and riches cannot provide us with the real good we desire for. He argues this in his 'Summa Theologica': "it is impossible for any created good to constitute man's happiness is that perfect goodwill entirely satisfy one's desire; otherwise it will not be the ultimate end if something yet remained to be desired. Now the object of the will, i.e. of man's desire is what is universally good; just as the object of the intellect is what is universally true. Hence it is evident that nothing can satisfy men will, except what is universally good. This is to be found in any creature but in God alone" (Wang, S, 2007).  .  According to this article, Aquinas believes that no one can impress perfect happiness on the universe. Final happiness can only be found beatitude or mystical union with God. Only God can transform us to "perfect" through participation in divine beatitude. Sin inheritance from our first parent Adam separated us from God. God has to help us in the restoration of good in our nature and build unity with Him. Gods grace upon us inform of virtues and gifts has helped improve our unity with God. There are certain qualities for one to attain imperfect happiness and perfect happiness. People differ in the degree of happiness on earth. Some are happier than others, either in perfect or imperfect happiness. Aquinas says imperfect happiness relates to goods, riches, materials and earthly possessions. This source of happiness is temporary. This is because even if our earthly wants are satisfied, we will still not be happy. After all, some will not be fully satisfied. This is evident in today's lives where many rich and famous people despite having food, cars expensive shelter, expensive clothing still are not contented and remains unhappy and in worry always. Some of them, due to the desires of some unachievable goods gets tempted into robbery and bribe cases. Aquinas explains that when one need is satisfied, the heart starts desiring for more needs. But when the desire is not met, one ends up being frustrated and disappointed, not at peace at all. 

On the other hand, Aquinas explains that perfect happiness can only be felt in life after death, where one experiences a direct ultimate reality. Buddhists and Hindus support the fact that perfect happiness is attained in the afterlife as they proved from buddha who obtained enlightenment. This is a myth believed as well by Christians, Islam and Judaism. The belief that perfect happiness is obtained from unity with God. This was true according to history as saints and prophets ended in this attainment. Aquinas illustrations about the two examples of happiness were indeed accurate as it was after he had a strong vision with God. 

In conclusion, Aquinas came up a summary on human happiness as follows, 'perfect happiness 'beatitudo' is not possible in our lifetime, but only in life after death. Imperfect happiness can be obtained in lifetime temporary through the exercise of virtue. There is a distinction between enjoyment and happiness. Enjoyment is related to earthly desires, whereas happiness is concerned with perfection with God. 


Theron, S. (1985). Happiness and transcendent happiness. Religious studies, 21(3), 349-367. 

Wang, S. (2007). Aquinas on human happiness and the natural desire for God. New Blackfriars, 88(1015), 322-334. 

Theron, S. (2018). Thomas Aquinas on Virtue and Human Flourishing. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Naugle, D. (2006). Stoic and Christian Conceptions of Happiness. Disponibil la http://www. dbu. edu/naugle/pdf/stoic_christian_ views. pdf

Grisez, G. (2008). The true ultimate end of human beings: The kingdom, not God alone. Theological Studies, 69(1), 38-61 

Kretzmann, N. (1995). Aquinas on God's Joy, Love, and Liberality. The Modern Schoolman72(2/3), 125-148.

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